Aliases for your data
One thing we have not touched yet is aliases. Sometimes developers call name data columns as they see fit, and we the analysts are faced with the necessity to rename them.
Often you will see the function AS
next to a queried data. Using the query from Chapter 4, we will try to use aliases to make our query more human readable.
Initial query:
WITH temp AS
FROM prices.usd
WHERE blockchain = 'ethereum'
AND symbol = 'UNI'
AND minute > '2022-04-19 23:59'
AND minute < '2022-04-26 23:59'
FROM temp
Now with aliases:
WITH temp AS
minute AS time,
price AS token_price,
symbol AS token_symbol,
contract_address AS token_address
FROM prices.usd
WHERE blockchain = 'ethereum'
AND symbol = 'UNI'
AND minute > '2022-04-19 23:59'
AND minute < '2022-04-26 23:59'
AVG(token_price) AS average_price
FROM temp
The end result is the same, but in terms of readability, we can comprehend in an easier way that in the last 3 lines, we are looking for the average of the column that has all the token_prices
and that this result will be named average_price
As your queries get longer and more complex, proper aliasing will save you from major headaches.
Merging data from different tables
Data tables are often specialised because it is practically impossible to work with one big master data table that contains everything, the machines would literally catch fire.
This means that often we have to pull data from many data tables based on our needs and smash them into an even more specialised one that we can use.
If you feel technical enough, you can go have a read on primary and foreign keys.
Else we will try to pick up on what those means in this chapter using our simpler terms and practical examples.
In Chapter 4, we learned about breaking down our thought processes and our query. Let’s reuse the same process to learn about JOIN
and try to get out query to give us the price of UNI in WETH.
I want all the UNI token prices between '2022-04-19 23:59' and '2022-04-26 23:59';
I want all the WETH token prices between '2022-04-19 23:59' and '2022-04-26 23:59';
I want to see the price of WETH and UNI in the same table next to each other so that I can perform the arithmetic calculation:
I want to see the price of UNI in WETH for each minute in descending order.
I want to plot that in a simple line chart.
Step 1 - Price of UNI
Easy peasy.
minute AS time,
price, AS price_of_uni
FROM prices.usd
WHERE blockchain = 'ethereum'
AND symbol = 'UNI'
AND minute > '2022-04-19 23:59'
AND minute < '2022-04-26 23:59'
Step 2 - Price of WETH
Lemon squeezy.
minute AS time,
price, AS price_of_weth
FROM prices.usd
WHERE blockchain = 'ethereum'
AND symbol = 'WETH'
AND minute > '2022-04-19 23:59'
AND minute < '2022-04-26 23:59
Step 3 - JOIN into a big table
Now to merge all of the results together, we use the JOIN
There are many types of joins, we will start by introducing the easiest one, LEFT JOIN
. If you want to go read more on JOIN here is short recap.
LEFT JOIN merges select data columns from 2 or more tables based on a common data point.
In our case below, we are merging the uni_price
table and the weth_price
table using uni_price.minute
and weth_price.minute
as common data point.
in specific, uses the first table as main anchorage table and adds the values for which the common data point exists.
WITH uni_price AS
minute AS minute,
price AS price_of_uni
FROM prices.usd
WHERE blockchain = 'ethereum'
AND symbol = 'UNI'
AND minute > '2022-04-19 23:59'
AND minute < '2022-04-26 23:59'
) ,
weth_price AS
minute AS minute,
price AS price_of_weth
FROM prices.usd
WHERE blockchain = 'ethereum'
AND symbol = 'WETH'
AND minute > '2022-04-19 23:59'
AND minute < '2022-04-26 23:59'
uni_price.minute AS minute,
uni_price.price_of_uni AS price_of_uni,
weth_price.price_of_weth AS price_of_weth
FROM uni_price
LEFT JOIN weth_price
ON uni_price.minute = weth_price.minute
And the results are:
Step 4 - UNI in WETH
Now to get our finalised data, which is UNI in WETH:
WITH uni_price AS
minute AS minute,
price AS price_of_uni
FROM prices.usd
WHERE blockchain = 'ethereum'
AND symbol = 'UNI'
AND minute > '2022-04-19 23:59'
AND minute < '2022-04-26 23:59'
) ,
weth_price AS
minute AS minute,
price AS price_of_weth
FROM prices.usd
WHERE blockchain = 'ethereum'
AND symbol = 'WETH'
AND minute > '2022-04-19 23:59'
AND minute < '2022-04-26 23:59'
) ,
data_table AS
uni_price.minute AS minute,
uni_price.price_of_uni AS price_of_uni,
weth_price.price_of_weth AS price_of_weth
FROM uni_price
LEFT JOIN weth_price
ON uni_price.minute = weth_price.minute
(price_of_uni/price_of_weth) AS price
FROM data_table
And the results are:
Step 5 - Final Chart
And now to put the final touch, we have a chart of UNI/WETH.
Often data needs to be pulled from different sources, or processed through different queries in order to achieve a final result.
To merge data from different tables we can use the JOIN function.
Are you ready to take off the training wheels?